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Shop Ceado is the online shopping website for Juicernet by Mulligan Associates. Juicernet is the North American Distributor for all of the Ceado Commercial Juicers, Mixers and other smallwares. 

Since 1982, we have specialized in the juice bar concept and represent only the highest quality juicing equipment available in the industry. Commercial juicers for juice bars, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, catering facilities, and more. We have a full line of juicing and blending equipment….from apples, wheatgrass juice to cored pineapples, we do it all! We provide a complete juice bar manual with nutritional information, yields on all fruits and vegetables, what to blend and not to blend.

Juicernet by Mulligan Associates:

  • Based in Jupiter, FL
  • Serving our Customers since 1982..
  • We sell our Ceado products to all of North America only.
  • We stock machines and all parts in our US warehouse.
  • We provide factory warranty support for all of the United States and Canada.